I consistently posted about US Mint deals, particularly when other blogs were shilling really really bad deals for $15-20 referral credit. I would like to think my “clueless blogger blogging coin deals…” post in particular helped tone down the unintentional (and some intentional) shelling. Time have changed since then as various buying groups have emerged, blog(s) are reselling coins themselves, individuals are selling coins on Ebay (the balls!), people are reaching out to coin shops, etc etc.
I am very much glad to see a huge change in mentality from “oh I am just risking $5000 to meet minimum spend” to “I am meeting the minimum spend, getting couple hundred if not thousand dollar in profit all while working with a legitimate business”. I remember selling a coin in 2018 for $400 profit and I remember a fella who used to hang out in my chat making $1000 off that very deal.
Now, where am I in all of this? I am still selling coins to the same shop I sold back in 2018. I had found about said shop through coin collectors forum where the shop owner was a verified user with several reputable trades. A quick phone call and few messages later, I found myself selling coins to him. And I wasn’t the only one – a lot of the people who hung out in my Travel in Deals channel shipped to him and still do. But there is more, now a few small time resellers also hang out in my channel and offer deals. Haven’t these deals become bizarre? You can literally find resellers for these coins on Telegram now. I am in no shape or form affiliated with (or sponsored by) any of coin buyers, including the fella I sell coins to.
So, yes, although I may not blog about coins deals as often, I still do them. Those deals are still one of the two current main attraction of Travel in Deals channel, the other one obviously being the phone deals. I haven’t posted about phone deals in a while, partially because they finally getting picked up by various other bloggers. Beside, I don’t want to blog about the same thing over and over again. Don’t get me wrong, I would probably consider doing it if blogging was my fulltime job, but thankfully it isn’t.
I am posting about what I like, and if you like it, you are welcome to tag along. Right now, I’m digging crypto cards (amazing value) and crypto signup bonuses (shitty value but hey its free money). I can see reading about crypto cards all over r/churning someday….eventually the cards will be too popular to be ignored.
Anyway, before I got side track, the point I was trying to make was that just because I may not post about coin deals as much anymore doesn’t mean I am not doing it. Come hang out in the channel. Unlike some other folks, I don’t charge money lol
Now, if you are someone who feels these deals are too hard (maybe because everyone is blogging about it now?), then I have good news for you. The recent buying session was a breeze compared to what had occurred in the past. Several of my chat readers, including yours truly, were able to grab a few of the coins in the recent deal. So it might be worthwhile trying it out once again.
Oh and from what I have heard Morgan Dollar coins coming in 8/3 and 8/10 will be worth a buy.