Early July DoC reported that Old Second Bank is offering a checking account offer of 75+$50+1k debit rewards points. But at the time we only had one DP (Capital One) on what triggered DD requirement, regardless I ended up signing up because it is super easy to waive monthly maintenance fee. Few days ago I ended up transferring $100 each from Alliant and Schwab Brokerage account and sure enough DD requirement was triggered.
07/25/2017 Bonus Program $50.00
07/21/2017 AC Alliant CU. ONLINE WD $100
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to the topic in hand – free $10. I’m not sure if all customers received this offer but since this offer was sent out by email and has a unique link, I guess it is safe to say it is targeted. The email titled “Take our survey for debit rewards!” basically offers 1000 debit rewards points for filling out a super duper short survey. This 1 page survey has 5 multiple choice questions out of which only 4 are mandatory.
They payed out rather fast and they actually payed 1.2k instead of 1k. Also they called me on the same day because I had checked a box in the survey indicating my interest in opening a saving account with them.