The WeBull Holiday Event is over and the winners will receive $78.68 worth of Amazon gift card. If you’re one the 1271 winners, make sure submit your email before 5th of January 2019 so you can get your prize.
This was a fairly easy prize to win. I think pretty much everyone who participated in the dedicated Webull event Telegram channel I had setup won and it likely only took few minutes of chatting to do so. Some, like myself, won multiple times because they were also playing on behalf on family member(s). I also saw a few mentions of winning $100+ worth of stock via referral.
Overall a pretty fun event…and easy money is easy.
P.S. Don’t forget to claim your prize by confirming the email you wish the gift card to be sent to. Once that is done, a gift card code will supposedly be sent within 15 business days.