A few days ago a user on Miles of Credit telegram channel noticed 48 months language in a Citi app. I wouldn’t have bothered with this post had it been picked up by a different blog but I don’t think that has been the case yet, so here we go..
Some American Airline application links are currently showing 48 language. The usual offer you get from googling isn’t showing 48 language…yet. As of writing this post, one has to do some work to find application with 48 months language.
American Airlines AAdvantage® bonus miles are not available if you have received a new account bonus for a Citi® / AAdvantage® Platinum Select® account in the past 48 months.
Nevertheless, the important but it is that 48 months language has been spotted. To dismiss them because they’re not yet on the easy to find links would be silly. The fact that they’re on some app, however difficult it might be to find these apps, is telling of the future to come. If I had to bet on the question “will Citi move forward with 48 months language in all apps?” then my answer would be an easy “yes”.

Currently there are various shenanigans one can pull to bypass the 24 months language but with the change in 24 months to 48 months, one must ask “are they actively monitoring the various shenanigans on AA apps?” and “is Citi going to attempt to close various loopholes again?”
How to Find 48 Months Application?
Citi AA Platinum Elite: Link 1 Link 2
CitiBusiness AA: Link 1
Closing Remark
Another phase to kill AA churn has began. Only time will tell how successful Citi/AA will be at doing so.
Also, if you’re reaching your 24 months on Prestige/Premier then it might be a good idea to prioritize Premier/Prestige app.